Aarons Amazing Adventures
One Goofy Fourth
This just so happened to be taken on the 4th of July. No, I hadn't been drinking in any way shape or form. That is my natural appearance (for those of you who know me, you can laugh here). It was a great 4th of July (2000) filled with family and more family (some people complain of there relatives. Not me, we are seriously 'Gung Ho' about having fun and we aren't afraid to go out of our way to find it). We went to the capital grounds that night to watch the city display of fireworks. Ohhhh, ahhhh! My Grandma's Birthday happens to fall directly on the 4th of July as well. I want to thank the whole country for celebrating her birthday during that day.
This is my Uncle Marks Mud-Tank 4X4. He's got a great web-page on his family and his other happenings with the vehicle you see (or barely see because of the mud) here. Check it out at http://members.fortunecity.com/bronconut/ You will not be dissappointed. If you are, then quit looking at your screen.
Fiberglass hulls are for sissy's
Check it out folks. Many doubted us (Ben Twingley and I) and that just served as fuel. Don't ever tell me I can't do something that I want to do cause I'll go do it, and shove it down your fricking throat. HA! This was a boat, raft, peice of garbage that was intended to float down the Missouri River in North Dakota. We put it in the water in July for a test run and had to take it back to the drawing board. I have it in storage now up at a friends farm North of Bismarck, but I hope to finish it next summer. It has seen water once, and after my out-riggers are all set up on it, it will see water again. The idea here folks was not whether it was going to float or not, the idea was that we went against the odds to have fun, and by golly we had a blast building it. I wouldn't trade that time I spent with my good friend Ben for anything (maybe $20.00, but hey, I'll split it with you Ben). The pirate flag you see there was one of the most prized possessions on the raft. In fact, it made up half the cost of the raft. The rest of it comprimised of 55 gallon plastic barrels (that we borrowed for free) and a couple of pallets (that we received for free). The key word here is "FREE" as with anything. The pallets and the barrels were lashed together with 3/16" 1000lb test nylon rope (that was about $21.34, but still worth it). This is what seperates me from the Norm. I refuse to sit and be idle. RiverRaftY2K. It will float, mark my words, it will float...
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